Identifying factors affecting students academic procrastination

Document Type : Original Article


1 Curriculum

2 Doctoral student of Curriculum Planning, Islamic Azad University, Marand Branch, Marand-Iran.


The present study identifies the factors affecting academic procrastination among students as one of the problems of today's university from the perspective of professors and experts. The method used in this research is mixed-exploratory. In this research, the statistical population consists of two parts: for the first research question, the population includes university professors and faculty members and doctoral students, among whom, using random sampling, there are 8 professors and 6 students. Ph.D. were interviewed. Also, for the second research question, the population includes all students of Urmia University (10,428 people), of which 370 people were selected based on Cochran's formula and by multi-stage cluster sampling method. In order to collect research data, a two-part questionnaire was used. The first part includes the academic procrastination questionnaire of Solomon and Rathblum (1998) and the second part includes the scale made by the researcher to investigate the amount of background factors affecting academic procrastination among students. The validity of the questionnaire, in the form of statistical, face and content validity, and its reliability was obtained through Cronbach's alpha coefficient equal to 0.82 and 0.78, respectively. The results of the research showed that the factors affecting academic procrastination can be investigated in both individual and social sectors. In the individual part, it includes fear of failure and uncertain future, feeling of low self-esteem, lack of interest in the field of study, lethargy and lack of movement and lack of skills and knowledge required for education, low tolerance threshold for problems, lack of determination in doing things and excessive expectations. and in the section of social factors affecting academic procrastination, it also includes dissatisfaction with the current situation in the university, the difficulty of the academic field, negative attitude about the supervisory system and the structure of society, entertainment factors, expecting too much from others to do things and unnecessary socializing with others. . Universities should consider the needs of students in their policies and implementation of their decisions and minimize dissatisfaction with the current situation in the university, and it is better for university professors and counselors of different disciplines to act in the direction of helping students so that they do not face problems and hardships. to improve the academic fields and increase the students' passion for education.
