Social history of art education in the city of Rasht during the first half of the 14th century

Document Type : Original Article


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2 Member of the Faculty of Painting Department of Soore University


Introduction: The history of modernist painting in Iran in the 40s and 50s witnessed a large and successful generation of Gilani artists, some of whom had completed their art studies in Rasht. And despite the absence of formal and specialized courses in art education in the first half of the 14th century in Rasht, what teachers or institutions were there that motivated, discovered talent and taught this generation?
Method: This research deals with the descriptive and historical method by delving into social history to the problem of knowing the cultural context of Rasht city and the first influential people in the art education of this city in the first half of the 14th century. The research tool was conducted in a historical way by studying documents in the library and research institute and interviewing.
Results: The findings of the research indicate that art education in Rasht in the early decades of the 14th century started from two formal and informal channels at the same time, in the official sector, although there were no specialized fields of art, but Art was taught as a one-course and extra-curricular activity in universities and schools with the presence of teachers who were painters, and in the informal part of education, it was done by educated painters who came to Rasht from Russia.
Discussion and conclusion: despite the lack of specialized fields of art in the academic institutions of Rasht in the first half of the 14th century, the presence and activity of independent artists attracted and nurtured a generation of modern artists in the 40s and 50s of Iran, which shows The importance of parallel streams with formal education in the cultural and educational system of Gilan, as the research findings in Rasht showed, sometimes the influence of these groups and centers can lead to the discovery, fertilization and strengthening of numerous elites. become cultural and artistic.
