Mediating role of self-compassion in the relationship between mindfulness and distress tolerance among teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Department of psychology, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran


The aim of present study was investigate the mediating role of self-compassion in the relationship between mindfulness and distress tolerance among teachers. This study was fundamental, cross-sectional and descriptive- correlational research. Its statistical population included primary school teachers in Mashhad in the academic year of 2022-2203. Two hundred and fifty teachers were selected by available sampling method and responded to self-compassion scale, five-factor mindfulness questionnaire and distress tolerance scale. Research data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and SPSS and LISREL software. The direct effect of self-compassion and mindfulness on distress tolerance is significant (p<0.05). The indirect effect of mindfulness on distress tolerance by self-compassion is significant (p<0.05). Also, the model related to the mediating role of self-compassion in the relationship between mindfulness and distress tolerance has a good fit (CFI = 0.94, NNFI = 0.92, IFI = 0.94, GFI = 0.91, RMSEA = 0.079). Self-compassion plays an indirect role in increasing the effect of mindfulness on teachers' distress tolerance. Paying attention to these psychological factors can play an important role in increasing the teachers' distress tolerance as well as preventing physical and psychological disorders.


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