The implications Explanation of Epistemological Constructivism Approach in Achivement Evaluation



In this present the fundamental principles of epistemological constructive approach in four dimensions: nature and the concept, principles, objectives and methods of evaluation academic achivement is evaluated. The research method has been analyzing documents. In order to collect data necessary for answering research questions all documentation related to the topic using the form to collect data gathering and analysis of qualitative techniques were gained. The main research findings include:
The epistemological Implications of constructive approach for academic achievement, is in two parts: instructing (everything that are related to teachers) and learning (every things that are related to students).
Evaluating and assessing student´s academic achievement and performance measurement in this approach is a realistic evaluation and assessment. This evaluation is very connected to teaching method and contain of educational programs.
Some of important principals of epistemological constructive approach for evaluating academic achievement are: evaluation of free, evaluation of tissue-derived, construction of knowledge, attention to knowledge as a integrated whole, emphasis on the role of former knowledge and experimental structures.
The main purpose of education based on structural orientation is to develop people that believed their competencies in knowledge creation and also believed that the knowledge not existence outside them. This epistemological vision, brought up people that have more to produce knowledge through problem solving are his own.
Some of important evaluations methods of academic achievement based of constructive approach are: performance measurement, evaluation of learning through teaching and learning situations, self-assessment, dynamic evaluation, complex evaluation.
