The aim of the current research was to analyze the characteristics of the curriculum elements of scientific ethics in secondary school student research, which was carried out using a qualitative method and using a synthesis research approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 University azad of marand

2 university azad of khoy


The present study aimed to investigate particulars of the elements of a scientific ethics curriculum in secondary school student researches using research synthesis approach in qualitative method. The statistical population included all the related studies done inside and outside the country between 2007 and 2022, of which, 53 researches were selected from reliable databases (SID, IranDoc, Magiran, Noormags, CIVILICA,, ERIC, ScienceDirect, ProQuest) as research sample by purposive sampling based on specific criteria, and analyzed using the 6-step synthesis method of Roberts. In the deep analysis stage, the initial coding was done with MAXQDA-18 software and then the content analysis was performed on the resulting codes. The result of the research was presenting a proposed model of scientific ethics curriculum in student researches consisting of two main themes (governing principles and structure or curriculum elements). In this model, principles include consideration of scientific, cultural, and social issues and norms of society; respect for patents, copyright and other types of intellectual property, trustworthiness and honesty in research, and presentation of scientific findings. The structure of the model consisted of elements like the program's existential philosophy, goals, content, learning experiences, teaching methods, role of teacher, educational space, time of instruction, grouping, and assessment. The final result is that by using this model, a suitable platform is provided for creation and growth of students' scientific ethics in conducting scientific researches.
Key words: Model of Curriculum, scientific ethics, Student Research, Research Synthesis, Secondary School
