Designing a consolidated curriculum template for the fourth grade of elementary school with a thematic approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Educational Sciences,Farhangian University,Tehran, Iran

2 Master's Student in Educational Technology, University of Scientific Research, Iran,Tehran


The purpose of the current research is to design a consolidated curriculum model for the fourth grade of elementary school with a thematic approach. For this purpose, qualitative content analysis has been used. The research community includes all textbooks and teacher's guides for the fourth grade of the academic year 1402-03. In order to prepare a practical guide for the consolidated curriculum suitable for the fourth grade, sampling was omitted and the entire research community was investigated. Information was collected by check. A four-step coding process was used in data analysis. First, semantic units were extracted by carefully examining each book. In the next step, semantic units were coded. In the third step, through grouping, the codes that had something in common were classified. In the last stage of the relationship between the classification of codes, the subject or theme and the main theme were determined. The validity of the integrated themes was assessed by 10 teachers with experience in the fourth grade of elementary school and 5 professors of Farhangian University in the Department of Educational Sciences specializing in elementary school education. The final results showed 9 main themes, which include: important needs, financial literacy, scientific, literary and religious figures, institutions, similarities and differences, change, kindness, effort, protection; is. Finally, based on the theme of the needs, a consolidated model of the fourth grade was set. Therefore, it can be concluded that the skills and concepts of the fourth grade have integrated themes, and it is possible to design and implement a consolidated curriculum model in the fourth grade, which causes students to learn more deeply.
