The requirements of providing virtual and online educations in technical and professional centers while explaining the current and desired situation of teaching and learning strategies in the curriculum of these centers.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educat ional Sciences, Shahid Rajaei Campus, Farhangian University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 MA in Educational Technology of Allameh Tabataba’i University


The purpose of the current research was to explain the current and desirable state of the element of teaching and learning methods in the curriculum to provide virtual and online education in technical and professional centers. This applied research was conducted with a descriptive-survey method, and due to the use of qualitative and quantitative methods and tools, it is classified as a hybrid research. Based on this, the research was carried out in two separate parts and methods. In the qualitative section, 20 expert professors and trainers were selected in a purposeful manner and interviewed with them in order to determine the optimal status of the element of teaching and learning methods in the curriculum for the implementation of the online education plan and the proposal of the desired curriculum. The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured manner. In the quantitative part of the research, the statistical population includes two groups. The first group includes teachers and trainers and the second group includes trainees of technical and professional centers of the province, from which 50 teachers and 80 trainees were selected as samples by random sampling and the questionnaire was distributed among them. From the point of view of the respondents, the curriculum in the desired state should have the characteristics that these characteristics are presented in five categories regarding teaching and learning methods. The results of the quantitative part showed that in the analysis of the current state of teaching and learning strategies, the mean of the lesson plan development variable has the highest value, and the lowest mean is related to the variable of using synchronous-asynchronous teaching and using a suitable educational platform. Therefore, the two characteristics of using a suitable educational platform and using synchronous-asynchronous teaching are not favorable. Also, there is a difference between the views of teachers and trainees regarding the compatibility of the elements of the teaching and learning methods of the curriculum in the current situation with the desired situation.
