Representation of Islamic education in content analysis of Sajjadiyeh book (qualitative study)

Document Type : Original Article


Payam Noor university of Tehran


In the current era, not only in Islamic societies, but also in many human societies, the ground has been provided for the revival of Islamic thought and the revival of Islamic educational lines and system. Based on this, the aim of the present research is to represent Islamic education in the analysis of the content of Sahifa Sajjadiyeh.
Method: The research is in the form of qualitative research in humanities. Therefore, in order to represent the Islamic education from the book of Sajjadiyeh, a qualitative method with "text analysis" has been used. According to the nature of the research, the statistical population includes the entire book of Sahifah Sajjadieh, which was analyzed using the total number method. To collect information and data in this research, a suitable checklist was designed. In order to check the validity, the findings of the research were presented to the participants and the text of the theory was studied by them and their points of view were applied. To calculate the reliability, the percentage of intra-subject agreement was calculated, and the agreement coefficient was estimated at 0.82. Finally, the data was analyzed by the Strauss-Corbin method and through three stages of open, central and selective coding.
Results: From the integrated and final form of the basic themes extracted from the analysis, the number of 54 sub-categories in the form of 5 components of the paradigm model (main component) was determined. Based on this, the 5 main components include; The meaning component of education has 8 indicators, the factors influencing Islamic education have 7 indicators, the underlying factors of Islamic education have 16 indicators, the dimensions of Islamic education have 9 indicators, and the factors inhibiting Islamic education have 14 indicators.
Discussion and conclusion: In order to represent Islamic education, by examining and analyzing the statements of Imam Sajjad (a. s.) in the book of Sajjadiyah, an attempt was made to discover and select the content categories and the characteristics of the elements of a model to represent Islamic education, so that a suitable model for Islamic education can be developed.
