Investigating The Effect Of Infographic-Based Instruction On The Learning Of Chemistry Lesson Of 11th Grade Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: In chemistry classrooms, it is common to observe students becoming tense and restless after prolonged periods of paying attention. This lack of focus may hinder their ability to recall information accurately and could be indicative of learning disorders. Conversely, chemistry teachers strive to engage their students' attention, but often struggle due to their use of ineffective methods and tools. Additionally, authors of chemistry textbooks are increasingly exploring the incorporation of visuals and other visual aids to enhance learning speed and accuracy while minimizing the time required to grasp concepts. Infographics are an important visual tool that helps us tackle the challenges mentioned above. By utilizing visual elements, infographics are able to present complex data and information in a manner that is easily understood and absorbed by the audience. Given the challenges we face and the need for innovative approaches in chemistry education, it is imperative that we conduct this research. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of infographic-based education on the learning outcomes of 11th-grade chemistry students.
Research Method: The current research used a quasi-experimental design, consisting of a pre-test and a post-test conducted on two experimental and control groups. Due to the practical application of the research in the field of teaching and learning, it is considered an applied study. The target population for this research included all 11th-grade students in Islamshahr city. Using the Cochran formula, a statistical sample of 56 girls from girls' schools was selected through cluster sampling. These participants were randomly assigned to two groups. The research data collection tool serves as a learning test for the researcher. This test is categorized into three levels of Bloom's classification. To ensure the validity of the test questions were confirmed by an expert group. To conduct the research, a learning pre-test was administered to both the experimental and control groups before the training began. The experimental group received instruction using an infographic-based method, while the control group was taught using the traditional method. The training consisted of 10 sessions, each lasting 1.15 hours.
Findings: The grade point averages of the chemistry course were examined for both the control and experimental groups. The P-value obtained from the independent t test suggests that there is no significant difference in the average grades of the chemistry course between the control and experimental groups. The total P-value of the pre-test scores in both control and experimental groups are not statistically different from each other, indicating homogeneity between the groups. Our findings reveal a significant difference in the average scores of students in the areas of knowledge and analysis between the control and experimental groups, but no significant difference in understanding. The findings demonstrate that in the experimental group, the average scores in the areas of knowledge, understanding, and analysis were significantly higher compared to the control group after using the infographic teaching method.
According to the research findings, the average scores in all fields, as well as the total score, increased after teaching using the infographic method in the experimental group. Additionally, the P-values for all areas and the total score were found to be less than 0.05. This means that there is a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores in the experimental group before and after the implementation of the infographic teaching method. In other words, this teaching method effectively improved the knowledge, understanding, and analysis skills of the students in the experimental group.
Conclusion: This research aims to examine the impact of infographic-based education on the learning outcomes of 11th-grade students during the first semester chemistry course. The study will be based on Bloom's classification levels. By comparing the data between the experimental group, which received infographic-based teaching, and the control group, which received traditional teaching, we can observe that the average scores of the experimental group were significantly higher in the areas of knowledge, understanding, and analysis. These findings indicate that teaching through infographics has the ability to enhance students' knowledge, understanding, and analytical skills.


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