Introduction to the teachings of the transcendental paradigm in the process of teaching-learning and its critique

Document Type : Original Article


The purpose of this study is to study the teachings of the transcendental paradigm in the process of teaching-learning and its critique. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, three methods of conceptual, inference and critical analysis have been used to analyze and critique the foreman paradigm. Findings of the research indicate that meta-text instead of oral text emphasizes written text and, as a new paradigm, acquires diverse experiences, the possibility of exchanging ideas and discussing various teaching methods in education. .... can have a facilitating role This paradigm in the field of knowledge learning and development has implications such as passing the traditional epistemic system in the learning-learning process, encouraging the learner to construct meaning through dialectical dialogue, the conceptual representation of the learner, access and better information retrieval in learning, the production of boundaries New to Knowledge, Opportunities for Explore-Based Learning, Changes in Classroom Space But in this paradigm, there are also challenges that can be addressed, including deconstruction in the learning-learning process, the passage from reading to writing, relativism, pluralism, and the uncertainty in the field of educational research
