Comparing Bandwidth and Self-control Modeling on Learning a Sequential Timing Task

Document Type : Original Article



Modeling is a process which the observer sees another person's behavior and adapts his/her behavior with that which is the result of interaction. The aim of present study was to investigate and compare effectiveness of bandwidth modeling and self-control modeling on performance and learning of a sequential timing task. So two groups of bandwidth and self-control were compared. The task was pressing the keys number 1, 4, 5 and 8 on a sequential timing apparatus while keeping certain absolute timing. Subjects in acquisition phase according to experimental group were modeled in different ways. Subjects in self-control group were modeled when they asked for it and for bandwidth group subjects it was a 10 percent bandwidth around the goal that when their performances were outside of this predetermined bandwidth, they were modeled. The subjects came back to the lab 24 hours after acquisition phase for completing retention and transfer tests. Results showed that if through in acquisition phase bandwidth group was significantly better than self-control group, but in retention and transfer tests two groups wasn't any significant difference and therefor could be concluded that both methods of self-control and bandwidth modeling leads to similar effects on learning sequential timing task. Generally results of present study are justifiable with challenge point framework. Techniques of bandwidth and self-control because of flexibility toward two factors of learner's skill level and task difficulty, leads to appropriating practice condition with informational needs of them and therefor have the capability of optimizing practice condition. Therefore, the two bandwidth and self-control modelings due to flexibility of both beginner skill levels and difficult assignment ratio, lead to fit practice condition with their information needs and thus seems to have the ability to optimize practice.
