A Study of the Effects of Formative Testing on Achievements of Second Grade Junior High School Students in Mathematics


Ahvaz University


The purpose of this study was to find out the role of formative testing in academic achievement of the second grade junior high school students in mathematics. The investigation of repetition of this formative testing and its cumulative effects on student achievement during the school year was also severed as second purpose of this study. From all classes in schools located in high and low socioeconomic areas, three classes were randomly selected and then were assigned randomly to receive formative testing in high, medium and low frequencies. Therefore, 12 classes from each educational district and a total of 48 classes from all four districts served as experimental groups of this study. Also, from each district, two boys and two girl classes from each high and low socioeconomic areas served as control groups. Testing the proposed hypothesis at p < o.5 2="" 4="" and="" as="" at="" attention="" based="" between="" compared="" contribution="" control="" differences="" during="" each="" exams.="" experimental="" final="" findings="" formative="" found="" frequencies="" give="" groups="" high="" in="" is="" it="" low="" math="" more="" o.5.="" of="" on="" other="" p="" progress="" received="" respectively.="" scores="" semester="" should="" showed="" significant="" student="" students="" suggested="" teachers="" terms="" testing="" tests="" that="" the="" they="" this="" three="" to="" took="" two="" was="" were="" who="" with="">

