Investigating Effects of Superior Hijab in Shahed University (from the Perspective of Students, their Families and Faculty Members)



The present study investigates the effects of superior hijab in Shahed University from the perspective of students, their families and faculty members. The research method is Descriptive survey that is part of the applied research. The statistical population consisted of all students in Shahed University and their parents, as well as all of faculty members. Data gathering tool were student’s questionnaire, parent’s questionnaire and faculty member’s questionnaire. The results indicate that the effects of compliance superior hijab have been high in aspects of personal, social and scientific-teaching (educational) in Shahed University. Evaluation of obtained results regarding the students' attitudes toward factors affecting in the non-compliance superior hijab show that the influence of factors such as "lack of faith and modesty", "beauty-seeking", "incorrect education", "conformity with community", "expressing the character", "the effect of friends", "cultural invasion", "the importance of fashion in society and compliance with abnormal patterns", Draw attention (need to be seen, differentiation, glaring)" and "Promoting unveiling in the media (particularly television and cinema)" are very high. The influence of factors such as "hard conditions of marriage" and "Lack of knowledge of the covering rules and Hijab issue" in the non-compliance superior hijab are moderate.
