Identity of woman Nahj and its educational implications



Anthropology and explained all aspects of human identity, his life (especially education) includes items, We picked up the man and woman has the general meaning and special features that sets different aspects of his or her life (social, political, economic, educational and ...) gives the influenced.According to the study of human identity (female) seems to be necessary. What we come to the Koran, and order more mercy towards women. However some of the sentences (Nahj), sermons and letters, and aphorisms, which is about women Except a few cases, the appearance is such that the rest may be such a popular beginners and feel (Nahj) form a negative gaze toward women has had. We aim to clarify comments (Nahj) than female identity and of its educational implications. In this article, type a descriptive and analytical technique using content analysis, "the character and identity of women and its educational implications" nahj takes into consideration and have been trying to answer the following question say. the identity of the woman Nahj what approaches there? Educational implications of this approach is what.Destroyed at the end of the various views raised in the same article, women and men in dignity and perfection, despite the difference in the roles and features selected, and its educational implications will be checked.
