The Relationship between Teacher Interac-tion Styles and Academic Self Concept of Students at Primary Schools in Shiraz City


Teachers' interaction and communication with students is one of the most important factors in learning environment which has significant and considerable influence on self concept of students. The purpose of the present study was investigation of relationship between academic self-concept and teacher communication styles in a sample of primary school students. For this purpose 263 (145 boys and 118 girls) fourth and fifth grade students in age range of 9 to 12 years old were selected randomly as the sample in form of multiple-stage clustering sampling method. The instruments were Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) and Self Descriptive Questionnaire (SDQ). QTI evaluates eight characteristics of teacher from students' viewpoints and SDQ assesses self-concept in seven separate dimensions and one general dimension. Reliability of the mentioned questionnaire was obtained based on factor analysis and correlation with similar tests and its validity was determined through Chronbach alpha and retesting while desirable coefficients were resulted. Statistical analysis showed that self-concept of students is determined by interaction styles. In other words, dimension of leadership was significant positive predictor and dimension of severity and rigidity was negative predictor of self concept in students. Results of Pearson correlation also demonstrated a positive and significant relation between academic self concept and cooperation and negative significant correlation between academic self concept and dominance. Moreover there were statistical significant differences between boys and girls in self concept and teacher communication styles.  
