Determining the grounds for the Process of "Knowledge Creation" in Higher Educational System for Introducing Appropriate Model



  In spite of increasing importance of knowledge as the most strategic resource of organization there is a deep gap in understanding the contexts and components of "knowledge creation" and its effects on organization performance. Specially,there is a considerable weakess inability for using quantitative modeling techniques in this new realm. Considering these weaknesses, this study was performed with the aim of determining the grounds for "knowledge creation process" in higher education system for constructing appropriate Model. The participants of this survey were 362 members of higher education system in the public and private sections (e.g. Azad university) who were randomly by selected stratified sampling. The tool of measurement was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by SPSS software that included the methods of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, multivariable regression and Path analysis. Foundings indicate that the "knowledge creation" abilities consist of knowledge base, absorptive capacity learning, unlearning, care, collaboration, networking, alliance, combination, architectual innovation and problem solving of higher education, based on these abilities were the knowledge creation context model in higher education system can be constructed.
