The Comparative Study of Aims of Education from Idealism and Pragmatism Point of View



Since familiarity with the educational goals of different philosophical schools and their comparison to one another may help acquiring knowledge and development of critical mentality and attitude toward educational strategies and planning, it deserves careful consideration. This paper is a documentary study of the educational goals from two different viewpoints, that is, Idealism and pragmatism. The similarities and differences of the two philosophical schools have been investigated with regard to their philosophical foundations and educational goals. The findings are as follows:Considering the philosophical foundations, it can be concluded that the similarity lies within the fact that in ontology, reality is perceived through stimulation, excitation and guidance, while the difference is caused by the real nature of existence, which is an absolute soul in Idealism, whereas it is an indefinite experience and plural in Pragmatism. In relation to epistemology, the common aspects of the two schools are the facilitation of the learning situations and indirect learner guidance however, the division is due to absoluteness and intellectuality of knowledge in Idealism and its being relative and experimental in Pragmatism. In Axiology, the two schools resemble each other nevertheless, they are distinctive, since Idealism is based on the performance of deeds and absoluteness in contrast to Pragmatism which depends on the consequences of deeds and relativity. From a physical point of view, the educational goals of the two philosophical schools are directed toward improving health and providing for the social activities. In Idealism the physical activities serve to empower the reason to comprehend the reality, while in pragmatism the satisfaction of needs and enriching the experiences are important. With regard to the artistic goals, both schools are concerned with emotional, intellectual and physical growth. On one hand Idealism considers the creator of beauty and values moderation, on the other hand Pragmatics emphasizes the value of experience, changing the environment and satisfaction of needs. In ethical goals, the above mentioned schools propagate responsibility and knowledge, the former pays attention to the comprehensive absolute rules and but latter stresses the useful investigated social behaviors. The rational goals the two schools refers to the application of reason in solving social problems, the general source of knowledge is taken into consideration in Idealism, however,  the empowerment of individual to develop intellectual structures makes the base of Pragmatism.
