Appropriate Content for Sex Education in Secondary Schools



Among numerous problems and complexities of our time, abnormal sexual relation is undoubtedly one of the issues that have busied the human mind. Most societies today are struggling with crucial sexual crises, and unfortunately there seems to be but not a disappointing and regretful prospect for sexual life. Grappling the Islamic teachings seems to be the only way out of these crises.
Although Islamic books have talked about the rules and regulations in this regard, yet less effort is taken to make the materials understandable for children and teenagers and suitable to their needs. This research aims to identify the suitable content for sexual education based on Islamic views, and teachers’, students’, and parents’ experiences. To this aim all Islamic materials concerning sexual education were gathered and carefully read. Suggesting topics for sexual education were authored in three questionnaires (one for the students, one for the teachers, and one for the parents) form. Validity and reliability of the questionnaires were measured and they were filled out by the research society of 780 students, teachers, and parents.
Results showed that all three groups agree upon appearance of the following materials in high school textbooks: sexual instinct control and de-escalation methods, puberty hygiene, moral effects of safe or unsafe friendship during adolescence, venereal diseases and other possible dangers. At the end certain practical recommendations are given.
