A Comparison of Shahed and non-Shahed Students' Social Growth



 Present research aimed to study and compare the social growth of Shahed and non-Shahed junior high school students in city of Tehran. The research society was the junior high school students of the twenty regions of Tehran, in the academic year 2004-2005. 104 boys and 96 girls were selected through a random-class sampling proportionate to the volume of the research society. Research method was descriptive survey, and for examining the research hypotheses a 27-item questionnaire of Alis and Insman was filled out by the students. Research findings are analyzed in two different levels of descriptive and analytic statistics with SPSS software. ANOVA, independent t test, and Toki follow up test were the means of analysis. The research results showed that:  1) There is no significant difference in social growth of Shahed and non-Shahed students in Tehran.   2) There is a significant difference between social growth of Shahed and non-Shahed junior high school students whose mothers work outside and those whose mothers are housewives.  1. Both Shahed and Non Shahed students whose mothers worked outside showed a higher social growth.   3) There is a direct relationship between Shahed and non-Shahed students' social growth and their mother’s education level. The higher the mothers' education level, the higher the students' social growth.
