Student's Evaluation of the Quality of Teaching of University Professors Teaching Human Science in Tehran Universites



The purpose of this research is to study student's evaluation of the Quality of teaching as demonstrated by humanities of faculty members at schools of Tehran universities. The analysis is focused on the identification of how personal characteristics and academic qualification would influence teaching – learning behavior of the participants in the classroom.
The research was of survey type in which the population comprised 20000 university students and 550 faculty members. The sample size of faculty members was decided to be 55.Twenty students were randomly selected from each class and 20 students (from two classes) of each teacher, which amounted to a sample of 1100 students to function as the main data source of the study. Data instrument was a researcher constructed questionnaire which addressed three main aspects pertaining to quality. They were: mastery of the subject being taught٫ classroom management٫ competencies and interpersonal relationships.
To analyze the data different statistical procedures such as Chi – Square٫ Analysis of variance and T–Test were used. The findings point to the significance of factors such as university site where the subject teaches and academic qualifications in explaining the quality of teaching while other factors such as age gender٫ years of teaching experience showed no significant relationship.
